Paradise is Sharing...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Walk... with Lexi..

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.  ~ Henry David Thoreau

Thursday (July 12th) marked the birthday of my favorite author - Henry David Thoreau.

To commemorate his birthday, I spent alot of time writing.  I would have gone walking, but we are experiencing a muggy heat wave in the NorthEast, and as much as I am a fan of Nature.. I am not a fan of heatstroke.

Lexi and I did get out for a walk yesterday.... we jaunted down to Otter Ponds so she could take a dip in the ponds before the heat of the day took over.

Because it was so early, when we got out to the ponds we were completely alone.  I wondered what it would have been like to have visited the ponds 100 years earlier.  Before the days of electricity, cars, phones... all the modern conveniences.  I then pulled my iPhone out of my back pocket, took a picture of Lexi playing by the waters edge, and uploaded it to Facebook. Crazy, even in my daydreaming of pioneering I can't seem to resist a good status update.

Walking back, it was harder to imagine ourselves in the past, so my mind went to where it centers - the present.  Lexi galloped ahead, trying to out run the flock of mosquitos that were chasing her... and I thought about the meaning of walking.  We have turned it into a form of exercise.  A chore.  I hate chores... but I love walking.   I thought about my Dad, and how he loves to walk his fields.  He surveys each hill, notes each change in the landscape, dutifully studies the wildlife, their habits - while they stand astute and study Dad and his habits.

I thought about my own occupation ... how I sit for hours on end at my computer, on the phone, or studiously studying research for my workshops and masterminds.  I thought about how Thoreau scoffed  "When sometimes I am reminded that the mechanics and shopkeepers stay in their shops not only for the forenoon, but all the afternoon too, sitting with crossed legs, so many of them - as if the legs were made to sit upon - I think they deserve some credit for not having all committed suicide long ago"  What he just described was being stir-crazy.... that feeling of phantom anxiety that I just can't put a finger on.  Life is good, but I feel antsy, anxious and testy - ya, I guess you can say I go insane. The prescription to my insanity is not an the form of a pill, but a daily dose of walking - so why aren't I taking this wonder drug more often?

"But the walking of which I speak has nothing in it akin to taking exercise, as it is called, as the sick take medicine at stated hours - as the Swinging of dumb-bells or chairs; but is itself the enterprise and adventure of the day."  HDT

Lexi found herself occupied by treeing a chattering red squirrel.  It still amuses me how alert and serious she becomes about our adventures.  In our near 3 mile walk, I had thought about the bane of my existance, the purpose of my life, what I needed to get at the store, and what work was awaiting for me when I returned.  Again, Thoreau's words came back to me "The thought of some work will run in my head and I am not where my body is - I am out of my senses.  In my walks I would fain return to my senses.  What business have I in the woods, if I am thinking of something out of the woods?"

Return to the woods Cilly.... go back to your senses.

All the solutions to my lifes "so-called" problems came rushing to me .... while I took a walk ... with Lexi.

Paradise is Here, Paradise is Now .... Paradise is Walking Back to Your Senses


  1. I love reaading your blog and your adventures with Lexi in your life. I've got my Boo pet too of which I am taking care of.

  2. Nice post. Be sure 2 keep in touch.

    Peace!...with 2 fingers;)

  3. Hi, your blog is so cool and natural. Keep it going!


Paradise is Here, Paradise is Now... Paradise is having people comment on my blog :)